Efficacy of an internet-based psychological intervention for problem gambling and gambling disorder: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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Efficacy of an internet-based psychological intervention for problem gambling and gambling disorder: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Diaz Sanahuja, Laura Campos, Daniel Mira Pastor, Adriana Castilla López, Diana Virginia García Palacios, Azucena Bretón López, Juana María 2023-05-15T18:40:31Z 2023-05-15T18:40:31Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation Diaz Sanahuja, Laura Campos, Daniel Mira Pastor, Adriana Castilla López, Diana Virginia García Palacios, Azucena Bretón López, Juana María 2021 Efficacy of an internet-based psychological intervention for problem gambling and gambling disorder: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial Internet Interventions-The Application Of Information Technology In Mental And Behavioural Health 26 100466 1 14
dc.description.abstract Gambling Disorder is a prevalent non-substance use disorder, which contrasts with the low number of people requesting treatment. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) could help to enhance the dissemi- nation of evidence-based treatments and considerably reduce the costs. The current study seeks to assess the efficacy of an online psychological intervention for people suffering from gambling problems in Spain. The proposed study will be a two-arm, parallel-group, randomized controlled trial. A total of 134 participants (problem and pathological gamblers) will be randomly allocated to a waiting list control group (N = 67) or an intervention group (N = 67). The intervention program includes 8 modules, and it is based on motivational interviewing, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and extensions and innovations of CBT. It includes several complementary tools that are present throughout the entire intervention. Therapeutic support will be provided once a week through a phone call with a maximum length of 10 min. The primary outcome measure will be gambling severity and gambling-related cognitions, and secondary outcome measures will be readiness to change, and gambling self-efficacy. Other variables that will be considered are depression and anxiety symptoms, positive and negative affect, difficulties in emotion regulation strategies, impulsivity, and quality of life. In- dividuals will be assessed at baseline, post-treatment, and 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-ups. During the treatment, participants will also respond to a daily Ecological Momentary Intervention (EMI) in order to evaluate urges to gamble, self-efficacy to cope with gambling urges, gambling urge frequency, and whether gambling behaviour occurs. The EMI includes immediate automatic feedback depending on the participant's responses. Treatment acceptance and satisfaction will also be assessed. The data will be analysed both per protocol and by Intention-to- treat. As far as we know, this is the first randomized controlled trial of an online psychological intervention for gambling disorder in Spain. It will expand our knowledge about treatments delivered via the Internet and contribute to improving treatment dissemination, reaching people suffering from this problem who otherwise would not receive help. Trial registration: as NCT04074681. Registered 22 July 2019.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Internet Interventions-The Application Of Information Technology In Mental And Behavioural Health, 2021, vol. 26, num. 100466, p. 1-14
dc.subject Jocs per ordinador
dc.subject Addicció a Internet
dc.subject Internet
dc.title Efficacy of an internet-based psychological intervention for problem gambling and gambling disorder: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
dc.type journal article 2023-05-15T18:40:31Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1016/j.invent.2021.100466
dc.identifier.idgrec 153309
dc.rights.accessRights open access

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