Identification of atrial fibrillation drivers by means of concentric ring electrodes

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Identification of atrial fibrillation drivers by means of concentric ring electrodes

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Prats Boluda, Gema; Guillem, María S.; Rodrigo Bort, Miguel; Ye Lin, Yiyao; Garcia Casado, Francisco Javier
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2022

The prevalence of atrial fibrillation (AF) has tripled in the last 50 years due to population aging. High-frequency (DFdriver) activated atrial regions lead the activation of the rest of the atria, disrupting the propagation wavefront. Fourier based spectral analysis of body surface potential maps have been proposed for DFdriver identification, although these approaches present serious drawbacks due to their limited spectral resolution for short AF epochs and the blurring effect of the volume conductor. Laplacian signals (BC-ECG) from bipolar concentric ring electrodes (CRE) have been shown to outperform the spatial resolution achieved with conventional unipolar recordings. Our aimed was to determine the best DFdriver estimator in endocardial electrograms and to assess the BC-ECG capacity of CRE to quantify AF activity non-invasively.
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