Constraint preserving boundary conditions for the Z4c formulation of general relativity

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Constraint preserving boundary conditions for the Z4c formulation of general relativity

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Ruiz Meneses, Milton Javier; Bernuzzi, Sebastiano; Hilditch, David
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2011

We discuss high-order absorbing constraint preserving boundary conditions for the Z4c formulation of general relativity coupled to the moving puncture family of gauges. We are primarily concerned with the constraint preservation and absorption properties of these conditions. In the frozen coefficient approximation, with an appropriate first-order pseudodifferential reduction, we show that the constraint subsystem is boundary stable on a four-dimensional compact manifold. We analyze the remainder of the initial boundary value problem for a spherical reduction of the Z4c formulation with a particular choice of the puncture
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