Effect of spin on the inspiral of binary neutron stars

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Effect of spin on the inspiral of binary neutron stars

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Tsokaros, Antonios; Ruiz Meneses, Milton Javier; Shapiro, Stuart L.; Uryū, Kōji; Paschalidis, Vasileios
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

We perform long-term simulations of spinning binary neutron stars, with our highest dimensionless spin being χ∼0.32. To assess the importance of spin during the inspiral, we vary the spin and also use two equations of state, one that consists of plain nuclear matter and produces compact stars (SLy) and a hybrid one that contains both nuclear and quark matter and leads to larger stars (ALF2). Using high resolution that has grid spacing Δx∼98  m on the finest refinement level, we find that the effects of spin in the phase evolution of a binary system can be larger than the one that comes from tidal forces. Our calculations demonstrate explicitly that although tidal effects are dominant for small spins (≲0.1), this is no longer true when the spins are larger, but still much smaller than the Keplerian limit.
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