Jet launching from merging magnetized binary neutron stars with realistic equations of state

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Jet launching from merging magnetized binary neutron stars with realistic equations of state

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Ruiz Meneses, Milton Javier Tsokaros, Antonios Shapiro, Stuart L. 2023-06-05T12:39:05Z 2023-06-05T12:39:05Z 2021
dc.identifier.citation Ruiz Meneses, Milton Javier Tsokaros, Antonios Shapiro, Stuart L. 2021 Jet launching from merging magnetized binary neutron stars with realistic equations of state Physical Review D 104 12 124049-1 124049-21
dc.description.abstract We perform general relativistic, magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations of binary neutron stars in quasi-circular orbit that merge and undergo delayed or prompt collapse to a black hole (BH). The stars are irrotational and modeled using an SLy or an H4 nuclear equation of state. To assess the impact of the initial magnetic field configuration on jet launching, we endow the stars with a purely poloidal magnetic field that is initially unimportant dynamically and is either confined to the stellar interior or extends from the interior into the exterior as in typical pulsars. Consistent with our previous results, we find that only the BH+disk remnants originating from binaries that form hypermassive neutron stars (HMNSs) and undergo delayed collapse can drive magnetically powered jets. We find that the closer the total mass of the binary is to the threshold value for prompt collapse, the shorter is the time delay between the gravitational wave peak amplitude and jet launching. This time delay also strongly depends on the initial magnetic field configuration. We also find that seed magnetic fields confined to the stellar interior can launch a jet over ∼25  ms later than those with pulsarlike magnetic fields. The lifetime of the jet [Δt≲150  ms] and its outgoing Poynting luminosity [LEM∼1052±1  erg/s] are consistent with typical short gamma-ray burst central engine lifetimes, as well as with the Blandford-Znajek mechanism for launching jets and their associated Poynting luminosities. Our numerical results also suggest that the dynamical ejection of matter can be enhanced by the magnetic field. Therefore, GRMHD studies are required to fully understand kilonova signals from GW170818-like events.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Physical Review D, 2021, vol. 104, num. 12, p. 124049-1-124049-21
dc.subject Astrofísica
dc.subject Astronomia
dc.title Jet launching from merging magnetized binary neutron stars with realistic equations of state
dc.type journal article 2023-06-05T12:39:06Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1103/PhysRevD.104.124049
dc.identifier.idgrec 160097
dc.rights.accessRights open access

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