On the friction/tangential restitution problem: Independent friction-restitution modeling of sphere rebound with arbitrary spin

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On the friction/tangential restitution problem: Independent friction-restitution modeling of sphere rebound with arbitrary spin

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Doménech Carbó, Antonio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2023

Most descriptions of collision events introduce coefficients of friction and tangential restitution which vary significantly with the impact angle, in contrast with the independence of the normal coefficient of restitution with this parameter. A redefinition of the coefficients of friction and tangential restitution based on the idea that friction and restitution effects can be treated as being mutually independent, provides a satisfactory description of experimental data using a ‘constant’ restitution coefficient independent on the impact angle. This independent friction-restitution modeling is developed here for the rebound of a homogeneous sphere having an arbitrary spin on a rough massive plane. The reported closure permits the interpretation of experimental data recently reported in literature.
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