An observational retrospective study of odontogenic cyst´s and tumours over an 18-year period in a Portuguese population according to the new WHO Head and Neck Tumour classification

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An observational retrospective study of odontogenic cyst´s and tumours over an 18-year period in a Portuguese population according to the new WHO Head and Neck Tumour classification

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Monteiro, Luís Silva es Santiago, Catarina es Amaral, José Barbas do es Al-Mossallami, Azza es Albuquerque, Rui es Simao, Joao Carlos Lopes es 2023-06-16T08:36:41Z 2023-06-16T08:36:41Z 2021 es
dc.identifier.citation Monteiro, L., Santiago, C., Amaral, Bd., Al-Mossallami, A., Albuquerque, R., & Lopes, C. (2021). An observational retrospective study of odontogenic cyst´s and tumours over an 18-year period in a Portuguese population according to the new WHO Head and Neck Tumour classification. En Medicina Oral Patología Oral y Cirugia Bucal (pp. e482-e493). Medicina Oral, S.L. es
dc.description.abstract Odontogenic cysts and tumours of the jaws represent one of the most prevalent groups of oral-maxillofacial lesions. We aimed to evaluate the clinical and pathological characteristics of a cohort of odontogenic cysts (OC) and odontogenic tumours (OT) of the jaws in a Portuguese population. This observational retrospective study analysed patients diagnosed with either an OC or OT of the jaws at a central hospital of Oporto, Portugal, between 1988 and 2006. Data collected from patients? files included demographic, clinical, radiological and histopathological information. Recurrence was evaluated using univariate and multivariate analysis. The sample consisted of 397 patients, 231 males (58.2%) and 166 females (41.8%), with a mean-age of 36.7±17 years. Twenty-seven patients (6.8%) presented with more than one lesion providing a total of 433 lesions. There were 396 (91.5%) OC, mostly represented by radicular cysts (n=257;59.4%), dentigerous cysts (n=79;18.2%), or odontogenic keratocysts (n=50;11.5%). There were 37 (8.5%) OT, mostly represented by ameloblastomas (n=16;3.7%), and odontomas (n=9;2.1%). The most common initial clinical manifestation was swelling (n=224;51.7%). Recurrence was observed in 30 cases (6.9%), mostly in ameloblastomas (n=6;37.5%) and odontogenic keratocysts (n=12;24%). In the multivariate analysis the diagnosis classification of the lesion was the only independent and significant variable related with the recurrence (P=0.04). Radicular cysts were the most commonly occurring type of OC and ameloblastomas the most commonly occurring OT. Amelobastomas and odontogenic keratocysts were the lesions with the highest rates of recurrence. This large sample provides useful information about the frequency profile and characteristics of OC and OT over a period of 18 years, allowing valuable comparison with data from other countries. es
dc.subject oral mucositis es
dc.subject pd1 es
dc.subject pd-l1 es
dc.subject oral cancer es
dc.subject immunotherapy es
dc.title An observational retrospective study of odontogenic cyst´s and tumours over an 18-year period in a Portuguese population according to the new WHO Head and Neck Tumour classification es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.4317/medoral.24337 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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