Frailty and risk of complications in head and neck oncologic surgery. Systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis

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Frailty and risk of complications in head and neck oncologic surgery. Systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Mendes, Mário-Luis-Tavares es Mahl, Claudiane es Carvalho, Aline Carla Araújo es Santos, Victor Santana es Tanajura, Diego Moura es Martins Filho, Paulo R. es 2023-06-16T08:36:43Z 2023-06-16T08:36:43Z 2021 es
dc.identifier.citation Mendes, ML., Mahl, C., Carvalho, AC., Santos, VS., Tanajura, DM., & Martins-Filho, PR. (2021). Frailty and risk of complications in head and neck oncologic surgery. Systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis. En Medicina Oral Patología Oral y Cirugia Bucal (pp. e582-e589). Medicina Oral, S.L. es
dc.description.abstract There is emerging evidence that frail individuals present a decreased physiological reserve, decreased ability to maintain homeostasis, and increased vulnerability to stressors. The concept of frailty has become increasingly recognized as a valuable measure in oncological surgical patients, including those with head and neck cancer. Preoperative screening for frailty may provide an individualized risk assessment that can be used by an interdisciplinary team for preoperative counseling and to improve outcomes. The aim of this meta-analysis was to evaluate the relationship between frailty and the risk of major postoperative complications in frail individuals submitted to head and neck oncologic surgery. PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science, Google Scholar and OpenThesis were systematically searched to identify studies that evaluated the risk of major postoperative complications in frail individuals undergoing head and neck oncologic surgery. The search was performed on August 31, 2020, without language or date restrictions. Two independent investigators screened the searched studies based on each paper?s title and abstract. Relevant studies were read in full and selected according to the eligibility criteria. Frailty was assessed by modified Frailty Index (mFI-11) and major postoperative complications were measured by the Clavien-Dindo classification. We performed a categorical and dose-response meta-analysis using a random-effects model to evaluate the association between frailty and the risk of major postoperative complications in patients submitted to head and neck oncologic surgery. The results of the meta-analysis were expressed as relative risk (RR) and 95% confidence interval (95% CI). The risk of bias was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS). Four studies (9,947 patients) were included in this systematic review and meta-analysis. Frail patients presented an increased risk of life-threatening complications requiring intensive care unit (ICU) admission (RR = 4.67; 95% CI 1.54?14.10) and 30-day mortality (RR = 8.10; 95% CI 2.30?28.57) compared to non-frail patients. We found evidence of dose-response trend between mFI-11 and major postoperative complications. Higher frailty scores are associated with a significant increase in ICU-level complications and 30-day mortality after head and neck oncologic surgery. es
dc.subject juvenile ossifying fibroma es
dc.subject juvenile trabecular ossifying fibroma es
dc.subject juvenile psammomatoid ossifying fibroma es
dc.subject fibro-osseous lesions es
dc.subject maxillofacial region es
dc.subject multi-centre study es
dc.title Frailty and risk of complications in head and neck oncologic surgery. Systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.4317/medoral.24588 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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