Juvenile ossifying fibroma of the maxillofacial region:analysis of clinico-pathological features and management

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Juvenile ossifying fibroma of the maxillofacial region:analysis of clinico-pathological features and management

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Titinchi, Fadi es 2023-06-16T08:36:43Z 2023-06-16T08:36:43Z 2021 es
dc.identifier.citation Titinchi, F. (2021). Juvenile ossifying fibroma of the maxillofacial region: analysis of clinico-pathological features and management. En Medicina Oral Patología Oral y Cirugia Bucal (pp. e590-e597). Medicina Oral, S.L. es
dc.description.abstract The diagnosis and management of juvenile ossifying fibroma (JOF) remains a highly debated topic with paucity of studies with long-term follow-up, hence the aim of this study was to report on the clinico-pathological features and management of these neoplasms. A retrospective analysis was performed on all histopathologically confirmed JOF presenting at two tertiary hospitals in Cape Town, South Africa over a period of 39 years. Clinical, demographic, histopathological and radiological features were analyzed. Surgical methods were documented and a minimum post-operative follow-up of 12 months was a prerequisite. Seventeen patients met the inclusion criteria and were included in this study. Overall, the ages of patients ranged from 3?31 years (mean= 13 years) with male to female ratio of 1.8:1. The ages of patients diagnosed with Trabecular JOF were significantly younger than patients with Psammomatoid JOF (P = 0.01). The majority of patients presented with marked swelling (88.2%). Interestingly, most neoplasms occurred in the mandible (76.5%) with all Psammomatoid JOF uncharacteristically occurring in the mandible. There was only one case of Trabecular JOF occurring in the sinonasal area. Most neoplasms appeared as unilocular (76.5%) and well-defined (82.4%) with mixed radio-density (70.6%) on radiographs and computed tomography. Curettage with peripheral ostectomy was shown to be the least invasive method with an accepTable recurrence rate (10%). Six lesions underwent resection without any recurrences however caused high morbidity to these young patients. The high number of lesions occurring in the mandible for both variants of JOF demonstrates that site should not be a major determining factor in the diagnosis of JOF. Moreover, curettage with peripheral ostectomy should be used as the first line of management to minimize morbidity to the patient and that resection should be reserved for large and recurrent lesions. es
dc.subject salivary stone es
dc.subject sialolith es
dc.subject cbct es
dc.subject micro-ct es
dc.subject volume es
dc.title Juvenile ossifying fibroma of the maxillofacial region:analysis of clinico-pathological features and management es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO:CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.4317/medoral.24592 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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