This study reviews the demographic, clinical and radiographic features of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor(AOT) diagnosed in an Indian population over 50 years and also evaluate and compare follicular AOT(F-AOT) and extra-follicular AOT(EF-AOT). 55 diagnosed cases of AOT from 1971-2020 were studied retrospectively. The data regarding the age, sex, location, variant of AOT, duration, clinical features, radiographic appearance, treatment and recurrence were collected and analysed. Of the 722 odontogenic tumors diagnosed, 7.6% were AOTs with higher prevalence of extra-follicular (67.3%) than follicular (32.7%) variant. All the tumors were intraosseous with a marked predilection for maxilla over mandible, ratio 2:1. The patients mean age was 19.8 years with slightly higher female predilection (male:female ratio - 1:1.5). The anterior region (76.4%) was more frequently affected and entire quadrant was involved in 21.8% cases. Clinically, asymptomatic, slow-growing swelling was seen in 81.8% cases with duration of 15 days to 10 years. Radiographically, AOT appeared as well-corticated radiolucent lesion. Canine was the most commonly impacted tooth. Recurrence was seen in 3 cases. Interestingly, in this series extra-follicular was twice more common than follicular AOT. Few cases involved the entire quadrant or crossed the midline of either jaws.