A conceptual model of mindful organizing for effective safety and crisis management. The role of organizational culture

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A conceptual model of mindful organizing for effective safety and crisis management. The role of organizational culture

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Petitta, Laurra Martínez Córcoles, Mario 2023-06-20T11:22:33Z 2023-06-20T11:22:33Z 2022
dc.identifier.citation Petitta, Laurra Martínez Córcoles, Mario 2022 A conceptual model of mindful organizing for effective safety and crisis management. The role of organizational culture Current Psychology Sep 5 1 20
dc.description.abstract The Covid-19 pandemic has involved nations world-wide in the necessity to manage and control the spread of infection, and challenged organizations to efectively counteract an unchartered medical crisis while preserving the safety of workers. While the pandemic and geopolitical turmoil caused by the war in Ukraine are recent examples of complex environments that require efective safety and crisis management, organizations may generally need to fnd ways to deal with the unexpected and reliably perform in the face of fuctuations. Mindful organizing (MO) is defned as the collective capability to detect discriminatory details about emerging issues and act swiftly in response to these details, thus allowing members to anticipate, and recover from, any errors or unexpected events that arise. Organizational culture refers to the mindset shared among members which orients their actions and thus qualifes as a relevant contextual factor that determines whether the specifc forms of perceiving and acting entailed by MO may emerge in an organization. The present paper aimed to propose a conceptual model linking organizational culture, MO and organizational outcomes (i.e., safety, reliability, crisis management), and delineate arguments to address the match/mismatch between MO and culture types. Specifcally, it is proposed that organizational culture determines the way an organization develops MO and the subsequent ability to handle unexpected events which might jeopardize organizational efectiveness and safety. Our contribution bridges the still disparate felds of MO and organizational culture, and provides scholars and practitioners with a complexity- and uncertainty-sensitive integrative framework in order to intervene on organizational outcomes.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Current Psychology, 2022, vol. Sep 5, p. 1-20
dc.subject Cultura
dc.subject Organització
dc.subject Avaluació del risc
dc.subject Personal Selecció
dc.subject Seguretat en el treball
dc.title A conceptual model of mindful organizing for effective safety and crisis management. The role of organizational culture
dc.type journal article 2023-06-20T11:22:33Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1007/s12144-022-03702-x
dc.identifier.idgrec 160596
dc.rights.accessRights open access

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