Oral lichen planus: retrospective study of 420 Iranian patients

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Oral lichen planus: retrospective study of 420 Iranian patients

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Pakfetrat,Atessa; Javadzadeh Bolouri,Abbas; Basir Shabestari,Samira; Falaki,Farnaz
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2009


Objective: In terms of the demographic and clinical characteristics, this is the one of the largest studies on Iranian patients with Oral Lichen Planus (OLP).Study design: Data was taken from the medical records of 420 consecutive patients referred to the Oral Medicine Department, and who were subsequently found to have clinical and usual histopathology consistent with features of OLP.Results: Seventy percent of the patients had been referred to the Oral Medicine Department by general dental practitioners. 52.6% were referred due to oral mucosal and/or gingival pain or burning sensation. Reticular OLP was the most common presentation (76.9%); about 18% of patients reported symptoms or signs, or had a known history of OLP, or possible Lichen Planus affecting non-oral epithelia. A malignant transformation rate of 0.07% was observed.
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