From the morphological and especially cytological point of view, a group of seven supposedly hybridogenic individuals is studied, confirming the results of the cytogenetic analysis, and the expectations about their origin, except those of Asplenium × sarniense, on which controversial data are reaffirmed. Of the seven, one individual stands out ascribed to A. × corbariense on which the type nothosubspecies is neotyped; the distribution areas of another two, A. × reichsteinii and A. × sollerense, are expanded, related to the rediscovery of A. majoricum in the northeastern mountains of Alicante, Cabeçó d´Or; also of A. × ticinense and A. × alternifolium, the latter studied cytologically for the first time in the Iberian Peninsula. Finally, new knowledge is provided about A. × bavaricum nothosubsp. bavaricum, which, discovered in the north of the province of Burgos, allows to add somewhat striking new cytological data when compared to the existing ones. In addition, we studied two individuals with abnormal meiosis and sporangial content aborted to varying degrees; one with a morphology close to A. onopteris, which, with a high proportion of aborted spores, could shed some light on the enigmatic data on chromosome pairing in A. × sarniense; and the second, with only a small percentage of aborted spores, undoubtedly determinable as A. fontanum. Finally, we studied an individual close in morphology to A. × gastonii-gautieri, from which it is clearly distanced by the cytological data that we have obtained.