DIP DECO 23-24 Unit 8 International Protection of Human Rights

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DIP DECO 23-24 Unit 8 International Protection of Human Rights

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Torres Pérez, María
1. The international protection of human rights at the universal level: the work of the United Nations. (a) The Charter of the United Nations of 1945 (b) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 (UDHR) (c) The International Covenants on Human Rights of 1966. i. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) ii. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). (d) Other human rights conventions. 2. International protection of human rights at the regional level: special reference to the work of the Council of Europe. (a) The European Convention on Human Rights of 1950 and its amendments (b) The 1961 European Social Charter (ESC) and its amendments. 3. The protection of victims of armed conflict.

    Unit 8 de la asignatura Public International Law, curso académico 23-24. Revisados por el Servei de Política Lingüística-Premios Sapiña curso 23-24.
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