Maria Aurèlia Capmany reescriptora: de Traduït de l'americà a Ves-te'n ianqui o, si voleu, traduït de l'americà

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Maria Aurèlia Capmany reescriptora: de Traduït de l'americà a Ves-te'n ianqui o, si voleu, traduït de l'americà

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Simbor i Roig, Vicent 2023-09-11T10:08:36Z 2023-09-11T10:08:36Z 2023
dc.identifier.citation Simbor i Roig, Vicent 2023 Maria Aurèlia Capmany reescriptora: de Traduït de l'americà a Ves-te'n ianqui o, si voleu, traduït de l'americà Catalonia (Sorbonne Université) 32 1 15
dc.description.abstract The aim of this paper is to carefully analyse the rewriting process that Maria Aurèlia Capmany did of her short novel Traduït de l'americà (1960, written 1959) to transform it into the novel Ves-te'n ianqui o, si voleu, traduït de l'americà (1980, written 1979). There is, therefore, a process of «lengthening», of the original text that doubles its length. Based on the studies of French genetic textual criticism or the Italian variants and, above all, the contributions of general studies on intertextuality and Gérard Genette's studies on hypertextuality, this paper shows the resources that have allowed a change of subgenre (from the short story to the novel), the modification of the narration (the changes in the typology of the autodiegetic narrator) and the modification of the text (the structure, with the segmentation into even and odd chapters) as well as the innovations in the story (appearance of new characters and new motives). The conclusions take stock of the consequences of such remodeling.
dc.language.iso cat
dc.relation.ispartof Catalonia (Sorbonne Université), 2023, num. 32, p. 1-15
dc.subject Lingüística
dc.subject Escriptura
dc.subject Anàlisi del discurs literari
dc.title Maria Aurèlia Capmany reescriptora: de Traduït de l'americà a Ves-te'n ianqui o, si voleu, traduït de l'americà
dc.type journal article 2023-09-11T10:08:37Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.4000/catalonia.4095
dc.identifier.idgrec 160807
dc.rights.accessRights open access

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