Effective behaviors in work teams: Spanish adaptation of the Individual Behavior Analysis scale

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Effective behaviors in work teams: Spanish adaptation of the Individual Behavior Analysis scale

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Bonavia Martín, Tomás Julián Rivas, Roberto Martín 2023-09-15T09:29:29Z 2023-09-15T09:29:29Z 2022
dc.identifier.citation Bonavia Martín, Tomás Julián Rivas, Roberto Martín 2022 Effective behaviors in work teams: Spanish adaptation of the Individual Behavior Analysis scale Frontiers In Psychology 13 809731
dc.description.abstract There are hardly any instruments to measure teamwork behaviors from an individual approach. This applies both in interprofessional teams or not, and in teams involved in health, social care, and other areas. The Individual Behavior Analysis (IBA) scale measures efficacious behavior in work teams. It is one of the few instruments proposed in the literature to measure personal skills necessary for teamwork. Only a previous exploratory analysis of the scale was informed in another study. This article analyzes its internal structure using different confirmatory factor analyses and its internal consistency, with a sample of 815 employees working for Spanish social organizations in the eriatric field, both private and public. The results of the definitive version adapted to Spanish, referred to as Individual Behavior Analysis −25, indicate a good fit of the model to the data and good reliability. Factor analysis confirmed the existence of two factors: Communication skills and Acceptance, with good internal consistency coefficients. This scale is a useful instrument for assessing, based on the reviewed literature, two of the most important individual skills an efficacious team should have.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Frontiers In Psychology, 2022, vol. 13, num. 809731
dc.subject Treball
dc.subject Treball Aspectes psicològics
dc.subject Adults
dc.title Effective behaviors in work teams: Spanish adaptation of the Individual Behavior Analysis scale
dc.type journal article 2023-09-15T09:29:29Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.809731
dc.identifier.idgrec 158609
dc.rights.accessRights open access

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