Two interconnected worlds : How exposure to social stress makes us more vulnerable to drug use

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Two interconnected worlds : How exposure to social stress makes us more vulnerable to drug use

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Montagud Romero, Sandra; Reguilón, Marina D.; Rodríguez Arias, Marta
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2022

Stress is one of the main risk factors that can induce humans to develop disorders such as depression, anxiety, or drug use. One of the main sources of stress is social interaction, which can lead to situations like bullying at school or at work. In this article we will review the close relationship between exposure to stressful situations and increased cocaine or alcohol use. We will present the main results obtained with animal models, which allow us to study the brain mechanisms involved in the impact of stress on drug use. To conclude, we will detail the main mechanisms that explain the powerful effect of stress on substance us
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