Towards recovery : Therapeutic approaches to improve the treatment of alcohol use disorder

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Towards recovery : Therapeutic approaches to improve the treatment of alcohol use disorder

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Jurado Barba, Rosa; Sion, Ana; Esteban Rodríguez, Laura; Martínez Maldonado, Andrés; Rubio Valladolid, Gabriel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2022

Currently, the best evidence-based treatments for alcohol dependence are those developed in multidisciplinary programmes based on a cognitive-behavioural approach, including psychological, sociological, and medical dimensions. However, recovery is not always achieved. The percentage of individuals who abandon and relapse is high throughout the process and an adequate state of wellbeing is not always found. This paper outlines some of the complements or techniques that could be incorporated to the most common treatments to enhance behavioural change, taking into account long-term outcomes. Thus, the text highlights the importance of considering recovery as the culmination of the process of change towards improved health, wellbeing, and self-directed life purpose, rather than just abstinence
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