The future of citrus fruit : The impact of climate change on citriculture

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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The future of citrus fruit : The impact of climate change on citriculture

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Balfagón, Damián; Arbona Mengual, Vicent; Gómez Cadenas, Aurelio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2022

Current citriculture is threatened by climate change. The increase in temperature, together with other adverse climate phenomena, is modifying the environmental conditions in the regions where citrus varieties are currently being developed. The detrimental effects of these adverse environmental factors on citrus physiology and production, such as drought or augmented soil salinity, will likely increase because of elevated temperatures, which will jeopardise crop production and, in extreme cases, even plant survival. Studying citrus tolerance responses to climate change may hold the key to developing new citrus varieties capable of withstanding future environmental conditions while still maintaining production
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