Surpassing our genes : The subversive post-human message of 'Gattaca'

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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Surpassing our genes : The subversive post-human message of 'Gattaca'

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Klein, Emily M.; Ceccarelli, Leah
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2022

The movie Gattaca is often referenced in public debates about the societal dangers of human gene editing. In the public imaginary, its message is clear: the dystopian future it portrays stands as a warning against the societal acceptance of genetic perfectionism and genetic discrimination. This article argues that such a reading misses a deeper message of this cinematic text. Rather than offer a bioethics lesson against the use of genetics to make better human babies, in our opinion, the film actually argues that such genetic tampering is unlikely to succeed, but that the genetic engineering of a superior post-human individual is both possible and desirable
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