Memory written in bones : From Funus rites to the osteobiography of Valentia

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Memory written in bones : From Funus rites to the osteobiography of Valentia

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García Prósper, Elisa; Polo Cerdá, Manuel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2020

The Roman necropolis in Carrer Quart in Valencia (Spain) is the city?s oldest known cemetery, dating from between the second century BC and third century AD. Based on its archaeological and bioanthropological analysis, we examine various hitherto unknown issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. By using isotopic archaeochemistry, various aspects, such as those concerning funerary practices, social stratification, paleodemography, quality of life, and the impact of disease, food, and the subsistence economy, as well as population mobility, have enriched our knowledge of the landscape of the old town. Science and memory converge in Valentia through the culture and traditions documented in the funerary ritual (funus valentiae).
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