Public Universities in Brazil Today: Fake News, Attacks on Autonomy and Bolsonarization

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Public Universities in Brazil Today: Fake News, Attacks on Autonomy and Bolsonarization

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Oliveira, Amurabi
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2023

In this article, we seek to analyze the context of public universities in Brazil based on two phenomena: a) the growing wave of attacks, mainly those based on fake news, against the public university, even from the federal government; b) the process of bolsonarization of the public university which reflects a broader phenomenon of adherence to the bolsonarist grammar. Based on the analysis of reports, official pronouncements by Jair Bolsonaro and his education ministers, it can be seen that education has become one of the main fields of dispute in bolsonarist rhetoric to combat «gender ideology» and «cultural Marxism»
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