Old wine in new wineskins? Understanding the cooperative movement: Catalonia, 1860–1939

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Old wine in new wineskins? Understanding the cooperative movement: Catalonia, 1860–1939

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Medina Albaladejo, Francisco José; Añón Higón, Dolores; Díez Minguela, Alfonso; Lana Berasain, José Miguel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2021

Different factors have been proposed to explain why in some regions there is a greater tendency to form cooperatives. The debate remains open. In this study, we look at the spread of cooperativism within Catalonia from 1860 to 1939. Catalonia was not just the leading industrial region in Spain but also where cooperatives first emerged and had a greater presence. In line with the existing evidence, we find that cooperativism spread from coastal municipalities to the hinterland. In particular, it seems that local conditions (literacy and social capital) facilitated this process, while accessibility to the transport network and neighbouring effects also played a significant role.
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