Deadly mushrooms of the genus Galerina found in Antarctica colonized the continent as early as the Pleistocene

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Deadly mushrooms of the genus Galerina found in Antarctica colonized the continent as early as the Pleistocene

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Garrido Benavent, Isaac Blanchette, Robert A. Ríos Murillo, Asunción de los 2023-10-19T07:43:51Z 2023-10-19T07:43:51Z 2023
dc.identifier.citation Garrido Benavent, I. Blanchette, Robert A. Ríos Murillo, Asunción de los 2023 Deadly mushrooms of the genus Galerina found in Antarctica colonized the continent as early as the Pleistocene Antarctic Science 1 14
dc.description.abstract Fungi are probably the most diverse group of eukaryotic organisms in the Antarctic continent and nearby archipelagos, and they dominate communities in either mild or harsh habitats. However, our knowledge of their global distribution ranges and the temporal origins of their Antarctic populations is rather limited or almost absent, especially for species that do not lichenize. We focused for the first time on elucidating the taxonomic identity and phylogenetic relationships of several Antarctic collections of the deadly fungal Basidiomycota genus Galerina. By using molecular sequence data from the universal fungal barcode and a dataset encompassing 178 specimens, the inferred phylogeny showed that the Antarctic specimens corresponded with the sub-cosmopolitan species Galerina marginata, Galerina badipes and Galerina fallax, and their most closely related intraspecific genetic lineages were from northern Europe and North America. We found that these species probably host Antarctic-endemic intraspecific lineages. Furthermore, our dating analyses indicated that their Antarctic populations originated in the Pleistocene, a temporal frame that agrees with that proposed for the Antarctic colonization of plants such as the grass Deschampsia antarctica, mosses and some amphitropical lichens. Altogether, these findings converge on the same temporal scenario for the assembly of the most conspicuous terrestrial Antarctic plant and fungal communities.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Antarctic Science, 2023, p. 1-14
dc.subject Botànica
dc.subject Biologia
dc.title Deadly mushrooms of the genus Galerina found in Antarctica colonized the continent as early as the Pleistocene
dc.type journal article 2023-10-19T07:43:51Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1017/S0954102023000196
dc.identifier.idgrec 161455
dc.rights.accessRights open access

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