Ranking firms based on their financial and diversity performance using multiple-stage unweighted TOPSIS

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Ranking firms based on their financial and diversity performance using multiple-stage unweighted TOPSIS

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Bouslah, Kais; Liern Carrión, Vicente; Ouenniche, Jamal; Pérez Gladish, Blanca
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2022

In this paper, we address the problem of the ranking of companies based on their diversity and financial performance. The addressed problem is a multiple criteria decision-making problem where a composite measure needs to be obtained to rank firms. Taking as a reference the methodological approach followed by Refinitiv in the construction of their Diversity and Inclusion Index, we propose an alternative ranking framework that overcomes some of the problems identified in the methodological approach of Refinitiv. In particular, the proposed method in this work does not require the a priori establishment of a weighting scheme and is able to incorporate the past behavior of the companies in terms of diversity in their workplaces.
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