Explaining mobile commerce usage intention based on technology acceptance models in a developing market context

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Explaining mobile commerce usage intention based on technology acceptance models in a developing market context

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Chimborazo Azogue, Luis Edwin Frasquet, Marta Mollà Descals, Alejandro 2023-10-21T10:17:53Z 2023-10-22T04:45:15Z 2021 es_ES
dc.description.abstract Purpose – This paper aims to explain the intention to use mobile phones for shopping based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) model in a developing country context, characterized by the mobile channel’s high growth rates. The research model analyzes perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, social influence, facilitating conditions, and hedonic motivation on m-commerce usage intention. Design/Methodology/Approach – Data for the research were collected through a survey among mobile commerce users in Ecuador. We tested the model through partial least squares structural equations modeling (PLS-SEM). Findings and implications – The results showed that social influence, facilitating conditions, and hedonic motivation are significant determinants of the intention to use mobile commerce in a developing market context, while perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are not. This paper’s main contribution consists in showing that, when the TAM model is expanded by including variables of the UTAUT2 model relating more specifically to the mobile technology, the influence of the ease of use and usefulness variables is not significant. Companies could develop mobile interfaces that are pleasant and stimulating, rather than utilitarian, since hedonic motivation is the variable with the greatest influence on m-commerce intention, and the one that emphasizes the social aspect of m-commerce. Limitations – The sample included individuals from a single country who were recruited from a university. Originality – The study focuses on m-commerce usage in a Latin American country, based on a combined TAM-UTAUT2 model that includes variables capturing the technological and social aspects of m-commerce. es_ES
dc.language.iso en es_ES
dc.publisher CROMAR es_ES
dc.source Chimborazo, L.E., Frasquet, M. i Mollá, A. (2021). Explaining Mobile Commerce Usage Intention Based on Technology Acceptance Models in a Developing Market Context. Market-Tržište, 33 (1), 25-40. es_ES
dc.subject TAM model es_ES
dc.subject UTAUT2 model es_ES
dc.subject mobile commerce es_ES
dc.subject developing market es_ES
dc.title Explaining mobile commerce usage intention based on technology acceptance models in a developing market context es_ES
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.identifier.doi 10.22598/mt/2021.33.1.25 es_ES
dc.accrualmethod S es_ES
dc.embargo.terms 0 days es_ES
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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