Insights into international branch campuses: Mapping trends through a systematic review

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Insights into international branch campuses: Mapping trends through a systematic review

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Escrivà Beltrán, Maria
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

This study analyzes international branch campus (IBC) literature trends from 1960 to 2017 through a systematic review of the different research approaches, views, and positions to map the global scientific production. Over the last two decades, universities worldwide have opened branch campuses abroad, reaching a peak of 249 across thirty-three countries in January 2017. In fact, international studies and surveys have identified a 26% increase over the last five years as well as a concentration of the industry. Since 2017, the emergent field of IBC has experienced a geometric growth regarding the number of academic publications on this topic. The results of the review indicate an important amount of literature on IBC related to some of the topics studied—managerial and academic staff issues and educational hubs—and a lack of research on a wide range of areas.

    Escriva-Beltran, M., Muñoz-de-Prat, J., & Villó, C. (2019). Insights into international branch campuses: Mapping trends through a systematic review. Journal of Business Research, 101, 507–515.

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