Inclusive and sustainable growth. A mission-driven multi-stakeholder approach

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Inclusive and sustainable growth. A mission-driven multi-stakeholder approach

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Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2023

This paper is about how to learn from past experience and how to move towards the new forms of capitalism that must be at the heart of a mission-driven system, in which the big issues of our time such as the digital divide, health systems and climate change are central, and how to work together to address them. This paper is about how to design a production system that is collective, but more importantly one that properly distributes the rewards, rather than the dysfunctional way we currently do it, which is to socialise the risks and costs and then privatise the benefits. I have had the honour of working with policy makers around the world to bring the notion of challenge, purpose and mission-drive to the heart of public policy design. This paper is also about systemic change, about what it really means, about how we understand the economy, about how to produce differently.

    Mazzucato, M. (2023b). Inclusive and sustainable growth. A mission-driven multi-stakeholder approach. CIRIEC - España.Revista De Economía Pública, Social Y Cooperativa, (107), 27-35.

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