Application of the Delphi Method for Content Validity Analysis of a Questionnaire to Determine the Risk Factors of the Chemsex

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Application of the Delphi Method for Content Validity Analysis of a Questionnaire to Determine the Risk Factors of the Chemsex

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del-Pozo-Herce, Pablo; Martínez Sabater, Antonio; Chover Sierra, Elena; Gea Caballero, Vicente; Satústegui Dordá, Pedro; Saus Ortega, Carles; Tejada, Clara; Sánchez-Barba, Mercedes; Pérez-Sánchez-Toledo, Jesús; Juárez Vela, Raul; Santolalla Arnedo, Ivan; Baca García, Enrique
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2024

    del-Pozo-Herce, Pablo Martínez Sabater, Antonio Chover Sierra, Elena Gea Caballero, Vicente Satústegui Dordá, Pedro Saus Ortega, Carles Tejada, Clara Sánchez-Barba, Mercedes Pérez-Sánchez-Toledo, Jesús Juárez Vela, Raul Santolalla Arnedo, Ivan Baca García, Enrique 2024 Application of the Delphi Method for Content Validity Analysis of a Questionnaire to Determine the Risk Factors of the Chemsex Healthcare 21 11 1 16

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