Trabajo emocional y estresores laborales como predictores de ansiedad y depresión en profesores universitarios mexicanos.

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Trabajo emocional y estresores laborales como predictores de ansiedad y depresión en profesores universitarios mexicanos.

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Rodríguez Martínez, Marlene; Tovalín Ahumada, José Horacio; Gil Monte, Pedro R.; Salvador Cruz, Judith; Acle Tomasini, Guadalume
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

The purpose of this study was to analyze whether the condition of emotional work (EW) and occupational stressors (OE) predict anxiety and depression in a group of Mexican university professors. In addition, it is analyzed if sex and age contribute to explain those symptoms. A group of 211 university professors from public schools was studied. The results show that in bivariate correlations and simple linear regression models, anxiety and depression are explained by TE and OE. However, in multiple linear regression models both EW and OE contribute to predict anxiety in subsample of women, but only OE predict depression in this group. This study allows the identification of mental health prediction variables in Mexican university professors, but it is still necessary to deepen the contribution of EW and OE to the mental health of teachers.

    Rodríguez Martínez, Marlene Tovalín Ahumada, José Horacio Gil Monte, Pedro R. Salvador Cruz, Judith Acle Tomasini, Guadalume 2018 Trabajo emocional y estresores laborales como predictores de ansiedad y depresión en profesores universitarios mexicanos. Informació Psicològica 115 93 106

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