Corrigendum to 'Adaptation and validation of technostress creators and technostress inhibitors inventories in a Spanish-speaking Latin American country' [Technol. Soc. 66 (2021) 101660]

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Corrigendum to 'Adaptation and validation of technostress creators and technostress inhibitors inventories in a Spanish-speaking Latin American country' [Technol. Soc. 66 (2021) 101660]

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Torres Benllochpiquer, Carla Cecilia; Gil-Monte, Pedro R.; Figueiredo-Ferraz, Hugo
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2022

The authors regret the misprints in the list of the article' authors. Where it says Carla Cecilia Torres, it must say Carla Cecilia Torresa, Pedro R. Gil-Monteb, Hugo Figueiredo-Ferrazc In addition, the affiliations of authors must be included: aEsan University; Peru bUNIPSICO; University of Valencia; Spain cUniversidad Internacional de Valencia-VIU; Spain The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

    Torres Benllochpiquer, Carla Cecilia Gil-Monte, Pedro R. Figueiredo-Ferraz, Hugo (2022). Corrigendum to 'Adaptation and validation of technostress creators and technostress inhibitors inventories in a Spanish-speaking Latin American country' [Technol. Soc. 66 (2021) 101660]. Technology In Society, 68, 101825

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