Towards a unified functional trait framework for parasites

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Towards a unified functional trait framework for parasites

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Llopis-Belenguer, Cristina; Balbuena, Juan Antonio; Lange, Katharina; de Bello, Francesco; Blasco-Costa, Isabel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

Trait-based research holds high potential to unveil ecological and evolutionary processes. Functional traits are fitness-related characteristics of individuals, which are measured at individual level and defined without using information external to the individual. Despite the usefulness of the functional approach to understand the performance of individuals in ecosystems, and parasitism being the most common life-history strategy on Earth, studies based on functional traits of parasites are still scarce. Since the choice of functional traits is a critical step for any study, we propose a core list of seven functional traits of metazoan parasites, related to three universal challenges faced by organisms (dispersal, establishment, and persistence), and give guidelines to define appropriate functional traits in future parasite community studies.

    Llopis-Belenguer, Cristina Balbuena, Juan Antonio Lange, Katharina de Bello, Francesco Blasco-Costa, Isabel (2019). Towards a unified functional trait framework for parasites Trends. In Parasitology, 35, 12, 972-982

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