Some Classes of finite supersoluble Groups

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Some Classes of finite supersoluble Groups

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Asaad, M; Ballester-Bolinches, Adolfo; Beidleman, J.C.; Esteban Romero, Ramón
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2009

In this survey we study the relation between the class of groups in which Sylow permutability is a transitive relation (the PST-groups) and the class of groups in which every subgroup possesses supergroups of all possible indices, the so-called Y -groups. The parellelism between these classes in the soluble universe and the interest of the local study of PST-groups motivates a local study of Y-groups. A group G factorised as a product of two subgroups A and B is said to be a mutually permutable product whenever A permutes with every subgroup of B and B permutes with every subgroup of A . We present some results concerning mutually permutable products of groups in the orbit of the above classes.

    Asaad, M Ballester-Bolinches, Adolfo Beidleman, J.C. Esteban Romero, Ramón 2009 Some Classes of finite supersoluble Groups Chamchuri Journal of Mathematics 1 1 1 13

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