Letters of challenge: displayed writing, urban public space and honour culture in seventeenth-century Madrid

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Letters of challenge: displayed writing, urban public space and honour culture in seventeenth-century Madrid

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Llanes Parra, Blanca
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2023

Focusing on seventeenth-century Madrid, this article explores the interplay between urban public space and a specific type of written defamatory statements, the carteles de desafío or letters of challenge, with the aim of examining the implications of this interaction. Letters of challenge were primarily conceived as a communication tool between the participants in duels and challenges. Displayed in public spaces, they could take on new meanings and even replace the combat itself, while at the same time perpetuating the values of a male honour culture that encouraged the use of violence among large sectors of society to settle disputes.

    Llanes Parra, Blanca (2023). Letters of challenge: displayed writing, urban public space and honour culture in seventeenth-century Madrid Urban History.

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