Pre-Clinical Studies with D-Penicillamine as a Novel Pharmacological Strategy to Treat Alcoholism: Updated Evidences

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Pre-Clinical Studies with D-Penicillamine as a Novel Pharmacological Strategy to Treat Alcoholism: Updated Evidences

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Orrico Sánchez, Alejandro Martí Prats, Lucía Cano Cebrián, María José Granero Maciá, Luis Polache Vengut, Ana Zornoza Sabina, Teodoro 2023-11-16T14:14:04Z 2023-11-16T14:14:04Z 2017
dc.description.abstract Ethanol, as other drugs of abuse, is able to activate the ventral tegmental area dopamine (VTA-DA) neurons leading to positively motivational alcohol-seeking behavior and use, and, ultimately to ethanol addiction. In the last decades, the involvement of brain-derived acetaldehyde (ACD) in the ethanol actions in the mesolimbic pathway has been widely demonstrated. Consistent published results have provided a mechanistic support to the use of ACD inactivating agents to block the motivational and reinforcing properties of ethanol. Hence, in the last years, several pre-clinical studies have been performed in order to analyze the effects of the sequestering ACD agents in the prevention of ethanol relapse-like drinking behavior as well as in chronic alcohol consumption. In this sense, one of the most explored interventions has been the administration of D-Penicillamine (DP). These pre-clinical studies, that we critically summarize in this article, are considered a critical step for the potential development of a novel pharmacotherapeutic strategy for alcohol addiction treatment that could improve the outcomes of current ones. Thus, on one hand, several experimental findings provide the rationale for using DP as a novel therapeutic intervention alone and/or in combination to prevent relapse into alcohol seeking and consumption. On the other hand, its effectiveness in reducing voluntary ethanol consumption in long-term experienced animals still remains unclear. Finally, this drug offers the additional advantage that has already been approved for use in humans, hence it could be easily implemented as a new therapeutic intervention for relapse prevention in alcoholism.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Frontiers In Behavioral Neuroscience, 2017, vol. 11, num. 37
dc.source Orrico Sánchez, Alejandro Martí Prats, Lucía Cano Cebrián, María José Granero Maciá, Luis Polache Vengut, Ana Zornoza Sabina, Teodoro 2017 Pre-Clinical Studies with D-Penicillamine as a Novel Pharmacological Strategy to Treat Alcoholism: Updated Evidences Frontiers In Behavioral Neuroscience 11 37.
dc.subject alcohol
dc.subject drogues
dc.title Pre-Clinical Studies with D-Penicillamine as a Novel Pharmacological Strategy to Treat Alcoholism: Updated Evidences
dc.type journal article 2023-11-16T14:14:04Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.3389/fnbeh.2017.00037
dc.identifier.idgrec 118141
dc.rights.accessRights open access

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