Hippocampal Dopamine Receptors Modulate the Motor Activation and the Increase in Dopamine Levels in the Rat Nucleus Accumbens Evoked by Chemical Stimulation of the Ventral Hippocampus

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Hippocampal Dopamine Receptors Modulate the Motor Activation and the Increase in Dopamine Levels in the Rat Nucleus Accumbens Evoked by Chemical Stimulation of the Ventral Hippocampus

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Zornoza Sabina, Teodoro Cano Cebrián, María José Miquel, Marta Aragón, Carlos Polache Vengut, Ana Granero Maciá, Luis 2023-11-17T08:39:03Z 2023-11-17T08:39:03Z 2005
dc.description.abstract A number of studies have shown that chemical stimulation (using N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) infusions) or electrical stimulation of the ventral hippocampus (VH) elicits locomotor activation and sustained increases in nucleus accumbens (NAc) dopamine (DA) levels in rodents. How DA neurotransmission in NAc is involved in these effects has also been well established. However, the modulatory role of the DA receptors located in VH is not yet fully understood. The purpose of this study was to characterize the role played by VH D1 and D2 subtype receptors in both the locomotor activation and NAc DA increases induced by NMDA stimulation of the VH. This was assessed by studying how retrodialysis application of NMDA (50 mM, 10 min) affects motor activity and NAc DA levels during simultaneous retrodialysis administration of the D1/D5 receptor antagonist SCH 23390 (100 and 250 μM, 60 min) or the D2 receptor antagonist raclopride (100 and 250 μM, 60 min). SCH 23390 attenuated or completely abolished NMDA-evoked locomotor activation and the concurrent increase in NAc DA levels. On the other hand, raclopride was initially able to attenuate the effects of VH NMDA stimulation. However, in the last phase of the experiments, animals showed an important increase in clonic seizure activity with a simultaneous and dramatic increase in NAc DA levels. Our results show that the NMDA receptor-mediated effects in the VH require both D1 and, probably, D2 receptors and suggest that DA in VH strongly modulates the excitatory outputs from this brain area.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof Neuropsychopharmacology, 2005, vol. 30, num. 5, p. 843-852
dc.source Zornoza Sabina, Teodoro Cano Cebrián, María José Miquel, Marta Aragón, Carlos Polache Vengut, Ana Granero Maciá, Luis 2005 Hippocampal Dopamine Receptors Modulate the Motor Activation and the Increase in Dopamine Levels in the Rat Nucleus Accumbens Evoked by Chemical Stimulation of the Ventral Hippocampus Neuropsychopharmacology 30 5 843 852
dc.subject Tecnologia farmacèutica
dc.subject Farmàcia
dc.subject Parasitologia mèdica
dc.title Hippocampal Dopamine Receptors Modulate the Motor Activation and the Increase in Dopamine Levels in the Rat Nucleus Accumbens Evoked by Chemical Stimulation of the Ventral Hippocampus
dc.type journal article 2023-11-17T08:39:04Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1038/sj.npp.1300618
dc.identifier.idgrec 018993
dc.rights.accessRights open access

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