Atrial fibrosis hampers non-invasive localization of atrial ectopic foci from multi-electrode signals: A 3D simulation study

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Atrial fibrosis hampers non-invasive localization of atrial ectopic foci from multi-electrode signals: A 3D simulation study

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Godoy, Eduardo Jorge; Lozano Ibáñez, Miguel; García Fernández, Ignacio; Ferrer Albero, Ana; Sebastián Aguilar, Rafael
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2018

Introduction: Focal atrial tachycardia is commonly treated by radio frequency ablation with an acceptable long-term success. Although the location of ectopic foci tends to appear in specific hot-spots, they can be located virtually in any atrial region. Multi-electrode surface ECG systems allow acquiring dense body surface potential maps (BSPM) for non-invasive therapy planning of cardiac arrhythmia. However, the activation of the atria could be affected by fibrosis and therefore biomarkers based on BSPM need to take these effects into account. We aim to analyze the effect of fibrosis on a BSPM derived index, and its potential application to predict the location of ectopic foci in the atria.

    Godoy, Eduardo Jorge, Lozano Ibáñez, Miguel, García Fernández, Ignacio, Ferrer Albero, Ana, Sebastián Aguilar, Rafael (2018). Atrial fibrosis hampers non-invasive localization of atrial ectopic foci from multi-electrode signals: A 3D simulation study. Frontiers In Physiology, 9 404.

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