Multi-pulse characte- rization of trapping/detrapping mechanisms in AlGaN/GaN high electromobility transistors

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Multi-pulse characte- rization of trapping/detrapping mechanisms in AlGaN/GaN high electromobility transistors

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Martínez, Pedro J.; Maset Sancho, Enrique; Gilabert Palmer, David; Sanchis Kilders, Esteban
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2019

GaN high-electro mobility transistors (HEMTs) are among the most promising candidates for use in high-power, high-frequency, and high-temperature electronics owing to their high electrical breakdown threshold and their high saturation electron velocity. The applications of these AlGaN/GaN HEMTs in power converters are limited by the surface trapping effects of drain-current collapse. Charge-trapping mechanisms affect the dynamic performance of all GaN HEMTs used in power switching applications. This study analyzes the dynamic resistance of GaN HEMTs and finds that the effects of dynamic resistance can be suppressed by controlling switching conditions and on-off cycles

    Martínez, Pedro J., Maset Sancho, Enrique, Gilabert Palmer, David, Sanchis Kilders, Esteban (2019). Multi-pulse characte- rization of trapping/detrapping mechanisms in AlGaN/GaN high electromobility transistors. Semiconductor Science and Technology 34 10.

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