High-Power battery discharge regulator for space applications

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High-Power battery discharge regulator for space applications

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Sanchis Kilders, Esteban; Maset Sancho, Enrique; Ferreres Sabater, Agustín; Ejea Martí, Juan Bautista; Esteve Gómez, Vicente; Jordán Martínez, José; Garrigós, Ausias; Blanes, Jose Manuel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2010

This paper presents a new solution for a battery discharge regulator for high-power space applications (power-per-module ≥ 5 kW) using a high-efficiency step-up converter. Basic requirements are efficiency that is higher than 97%, mass that is lower than 2.5 kg, no galvanic isolation necessary, and a high mean time between failures. By taking into account all these parameters, the selected topology has been two interleaved boost converters with passive soft switching. Small-signal analysis of these two interleaved boost converters is also presented.

    E. Sanchis et al., "High-Power Battery Discharge Regulator for Space Applications," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 57, no. 12, pp. 3935-3943, Dec. 2010, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2010.2044122.

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