Photoluminescence study of excitons in homoepitaxial GaN

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Photoluminescence study of excitons in homoepitaxial GaN

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Martínez Criado, Gema; Miskys, C. R.; Cros Stotter, Ana; Ambacher, O.; Cantarero Sáez, Andrés; Stutzmann, M.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2001

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High-resolution photoluminescence spectra have been measured in high-quality homoepitaxial GaN grown on a free-standing GaN substrate with lower residual strain than in previous work. Unusually strong and well-resolved excitonic lines were observed. Based on free- and bound exciton transitions some important GaN parameters are derived. The Arrhenius plot of the free A exciton recombination yields a binding energy of 24.7 meV. Based on this datum, an accurate value for the band-gap energy, EG(4.3 K) = 3.506 eV, can be given. From the donor bound excitons and their “two-electron” satellites, the exciton localization energy and donor ionization energy are deduced. Finally, estimates of the electron and hole masses have been obtained within the effective mass approximation.
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