INTEGRAL/SPI ground calibration

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INTEGRAL/SPI ground calibration

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Attié, D.; Cordier, B.; Gros, M.; Laurent, Ph.; Schanne, S.; Tauzin, G.; von Ballmoos, P.; Bouchet, L.; Jean, P.; Knödlseder, J.; Mandrou, P.; Paul, Ph.; Roques, J. P.; Skinner, G.; Vedrenne, G.; Georgii, R.; von Kienlin, A.; Lichti, G.; Schönfelder, V.; Strong, A.; Wunderer, C.; Shrader, C.; Sturner, S.; Teegarden, B.; Weidenspointner, G.; Kiener, J.; Porquet, M. G.; Tatischeff, V.; Crespin, S.; Joly, S.; André, Y.; Sánchez Martínez, Filomeno; Leleux, P.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2003


Three calibration campaigns of the spectrometer SPI have been performed before launch in order to determine the instrument characteristics, such as the e ective detection area, the spectral resolution and the angular resolution. Absolute determination of the e ective area has been obtained from simulations and measurements. At 1 MeV, the e ective area is 65 cm^2 for a point source on the optical axis, the spectral resolution 2.3 keV. The angular resolution is better than 2.5 and the source separation capability about 1º. Some temperature dependant parameters will require permanent in-flight calibration.
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