Perceived service quality in postgraduate studies: an integrated perspective in the IMBA program

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Perceived service quality in postgraduate studies: an integrated perspective in the IMBA program

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Andreu Simó, Luisa; Aldás Manzano, Joaquín; Cervera Taulet, Amparo
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2011

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This work proposes a comprehensive evaluation system for service quality in the International Master in Business Administration (iMBA) at Universitat de València. Going further than the current system for measuring service quality and considering students as stakeholders in the university in the context of relationship marketing, this present experience develops a process for evaluating service quality where the student designs the measurement instrument itself from an integral vision of the service s/he receives. The results suggest that students perceive the service experience as a multidimensional concept covering not only the academic experience, but also the quality of the facilities and program organisation and coordination.
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