Nuove tecnologie del sé: il banchetto rituale collettivo in Etruria

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Nuove tecnologie del sé: il banchetto rituale collettivo in Etruria

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Riva, Corinna
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2010

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The aim of this article is to analyze ritualized practices of drinking and eating in Etruria during the seventh century BC through the study of aselection of tomb groups. I will consider these activities as new practices of consumption that élite groups introduced in burial ritual during the Orientalising period and that underlie a specific use of the body and of alimentary technologies. Attention will be devoted towards specific classes of banqueting and drinking objects, including metal vessels which point to the consumption of solid food, namely meat, together with wine, and therefore to the practice of meat sacrifice, and the relationship of sacrifice with the incineration of the deceased’s body in the context ofinhumation rituals.
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