Die finstere Seite des Herzens, Zur Migration von Bildern der religiösen Profanation

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

IMPORTANT: Aquest repositori està en una versió antiga des del 3/12/2023. La nova instal.lació está en

Die finstere Seite des Herzens, Zur Migration von Bildern der religiösen Profanation

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Sánchez-Biosca, Vicente
Aquest document és un/a capítol, creat/da en: 2012
This article deals with the series of re-appripriation and re-editing of twe single images produced by the Republican side during the Spanish Civil War: the one representing the execution of the statue of Christ at the Hill of Angels at the end of July-beginning of August 1936, and the one depicting the desecration of the mumies of nuns taken in Barcelona the same month. Both in photography and in film support were the object of propaganda purposes from the Francoist side and even they appeared in Nazi and Italian Fascist footage. The chapter traces its transformation until the present.
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