Esteban Romero, Ramón
Vera López, Antonio (dir.) Departament d'Algebra |
This document is a tesisDate1997 | |
In the first part, new bounds for the number of conjugacy classes of maximal length of a finite $p$-group $G$, $r(G)$, are obtained, and they are related with the length of these classes. If $r(G)=p^m-b-1$, there exists a unique normal subgroup of order $p^b$, $N_b$, which is characteristic, and structural properties of these groups are studied when $b\le 3$, by paying special attention to the relation between $N_b$, $Z(G)$ and $G$. In the second part, new bounds for the degree of commutativity of a $p$-group of maximal class are established. In Chapter 2, the bounds known for $c$ are reviewed. In Chapter 3, the reuslts obtained by Shepherd for $c_0\le 4$ are extended to $c_0\le 10$ by means of the development of new computational techniques. In Chapter 4, we present some tables which give the bounds for $c$ as a function of $c_0$ and $l$ for $p\le 3$, obtained with the help of the ment...
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In the first part, new bounds for the number of conjugacy classes of maximal length of a finite $p$-group $G$, $r(G)$, are obtained, and they are related with the length of these classes. If $r(G)=p^m-b-1$, there exists a unique normal subgroup of order $p^b$, $N_b$, which is characteristic, and structural properties of these groups are studied when $b\le 3$, by paying special attention to the relation between $N_b$, $Z(G)$ and $G$. In the second part, new bounds for the degree of commutativity of a $p$-group of maximal class are established. In Chapter 2, the bounds known for $c$ are reviewed. In Chapter 3, the reuslts obtained by Shepherd for $c_0\le 4$ are extended to $c_0\le 10$ by means of the development of new computational techniques. In Chapter 4, we present some tables which give the bounds for $c$ as a function of $c_0$ and $l$ for $p\le 3$, obtained with the help of the mentioned computational techniques, and the finest possible bounds for $c$ for the majority of the values of $c_0$ and $l$ and every prime $p$ are conjectured. The majority of these conjectures are solved, and hence the bounds given by Shepherd, Leedham-Green and McKay, and Fernández-Alcober are improved. It is also shown the optimality of these bounds by means of the construction of the Lie algebras for which these bounds are attained.En la primera parte se obtienen nuevas cotas para el número de clases de conjugación de longitud máxima de un $p$-grupo finito $G$, $r(G)$, relacionándolo con la longitud de estas clases, $b$. En el caso en que $r(G)=p^m-b-1$, existe un único subgrupo normal de orden $p^b$, $N_b$, que es característico y se estudian propiedades estructurales de estos grupos cuando $b\le 3$, prestando atención especial a la relación entre $N_b$, $Z(G)$ y $G$. En la seguna parte se establecen nuevas cotas para el grado de conmutatividad $c$ de un $p$-grupo de clase maxdimal. En el capítulo 2 se hace un repaso de las cotas conocidas para $c$. En el capítulo 3 se extienden los resultados obtenidos por Shepherd para $c_0\le 4$ hasta $c_0\le 10$ mediante el desarrollo de nuevas técnicas computacionales. En el capítulo 4 se presentan tablas que dan las cotas para $c$ en función de $c_0$ y $l$ para $p\le 43$, obtenidas con la ayuda de dichas técnicas computacionales, y se conjeturan las cotas más finas posibles para $c$ para la mayor parte de los valores de $c_0$ y $l$ y para cualquier primo $p$. Se resuelven la mayoría de dichas conjeturas, mejorando de esta manera las cotas dadas por Shepherd, Leedham-Green y McKay y Fernández Alcober. Se muestra también la optimalidad de dichas cotas mediante la construcción de las álgebras de Lie para las que se alcanzan las cotas.
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