Item transformation for computer asisted language testing: The adaptation of the Spanish University entrance examination

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Item transformation for computer asisted language testing: The adaptation of the Spanish University entrance examination

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García Laborda, Jesús; Bakieva, Margarita; González Such, José; Sevilla Pavón, Ana
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2010

Since the Spanish Educational system is changing and promoting the use of online tests, it was necessary to study the transformation of test items in the ' Spanish University Entrance Examination ' (IB P.A.U.) to diminish the effect of test delivery changes (through its computerization) in order to affect the least the current model. The purpose of this study was to describe and suggest the properties of a new test item taxonomy for the Spanish University Entrance Examination. After a convenient study and piloting by using previous research in computer-based language testing, the researchers created a taxonomy of test items for the I.B. P.A.U.
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