Local literature in a global world? Globalisation, exclusion and multiculturalism in Catalan literature for children and young people

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Local literature in a global world? Globalisation, exclusion and multiculturalism in Catalan literature for children and young people

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Mínguez López, Xavier
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2011

This paper is part of a wider project being carried out by the Research Group Literary Education, Culture and Society, which has been subsidised by the Ministry of University of Spain. Our project's main aim is the close study of three closely interrelated phenomena, globalisation, exclusion and multiculturality, in order to determine the influences on the children and young people Literature. We intend in this paper to show the results of a first research made in a smaller corpus in order to better draw up the entire project. Keywords: multiculturalism, exclusion, globalisation, children and young people literature
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