Diseño y evaluación de una propuesta para la enseñanza del concepto de campo en Física

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Diseño y evaluación de una propuesta para la enseñanza del concepto de campo en Física

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Martín Quero, José; Solbes Matarredona, Jordi
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2001

SUMMARY The concept of field presents a special relevance in Physics. However, its teaching offers a series of difficulties and deficiencies that have been analysed by us in previous investigations. According to our analysis and research by other authors, we have elaborated a new proposal for the introduction of this concept in Secondary Education and High School. In this study, the guidelines of the forementioned proposal, which has been put into practice in the classroom and assessed later on, are presented. The results have been analysed through different instrumental means, and have been compared with the results obtained by students who follow the statutory programmes.
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