Clandestine translations during Franco’s dictatorship: Poesia (1944-1945) and Ariel (1946-1951)

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Clandestine translations during Franco’s dictatorship: Poesia (1944-1945) and Ariel (1946-1951)

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Bacardí Tomàs, Montserrat es 2014-07-10T07:36:32Z 2014-07-10T07:36:32Z 2013 es
dc.identifier.citation MonTI. Monografías de Traducción e Interpretación. 2013, 5: 1trans-11trans. doi:10.6035/MonTI.2013.5.9 es
dc.description.abstract After the Spanish Civil War, Francisco Franco’s dictatorship banned Catalan translations for a decade. But in 1948, Carles Riba’s translation of the Odyssey and Josep Maria Sagarra’s translation of the Divine Comedy were published, albeit with severe restrictions. These restrictions remained virtually unchanged until 1962, when the regime began allowing the publication of Catalan translations without prior censorship. In the 1940s, when the repression was at its fiercest, two clandestine journals in Catalan, Poetry (1944-1945) and Ariel (1946-1951), regularly translated a portion of one of the classics of Western literature, and also published contemporary and avant-garde material as well as the most recent works to be published. es
dc.description.abstract Acabada la guerra civil, la dictadura de Francisco Franco va prohibir les traduccions al català durant una dècada, fins al 1948, en què van aparèixer l’Odissea de Carles Riba i la Divina Comèdia de Josep M. de Sagarra en condicions molt restrictives. Aquestes condicions es van mantenir pràcticament inalterables fins al 1962, quan va deixar de practicar-se la censura lingüística prèvia davant la demanda de publicar qualsevol traducció catalana. En la dècada dels quaranta, quan la persecució era més severa, van sortir a llum dues revistes clandestines en català, Poesia (1944-1945) i Ariel (1946- 1951), que van traduir regularment una selecció de l’obra dels noms canònics de la literatura occidental, sense negligir l’aportació de la contemporaneïtat, les avantguardes i les novetats més recents. es
dc.description.abstract This article is the English version of “Traduir sota la dictadura franquista, traduir clandestinament: Poesia (1944-1945) i Ariel (1946-1951)” by Montserrat Bacardí. It was not published on the print version of MonTI for reasons of space. The online version of MonTI does not suffer from these limitations, and this is our way of promoting plurilingualism. es
dc.description.abstract This article is part of the Contemporary Catalan Translation Study Group (GETCC) (2009, SGR 1294), which is recognised and funded by the University Management and Grants Agency of the Government of Catalonia, and part of the project “Translation in the Catalan Literary System; Exile, Gender and Ideology (1939-2000)”, with reference number FFI2010-19851-C02-01, funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation. es
dc.language eng es
dc.subject Catalan translation es
dc.subject Franco es
dc.subject Clandestine publishing es
dc.subject Poesia es
dc.subject Ariel es
dc.subject Traducció catalana es
dc.subject Franquisme es
dc.subject Clandestinitat es
dc.subject Traducción e Interpretación es
dc.title Clandestine translations during Franco’s dictatorship: Poesia (1944-1945) and Ariel (1946-1951) es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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