By conducting research on cookery programs in the Italian television archives,
This paper explores both the historic and present-day television depiction
Of local community and 'traditions'. The artic le situates this analysis
In a broader theoretical reflection on food heritagization and communication, in conjunction with the redefinition of landscapes and cultures as
Intangible cultura l patrimonies . In food heritage programs, specific styles of
Filming, editing and text production define a clear relationship between gastronomic 'traditions ' and the rural countryside. The programs are characterized by an extreme 'folklorisation' of its social and territorial context.
Singing and dancing, ta les and stories of ancient times, and a number of
Tacit implications about food as simple and genuine, all point to an evident
Communicative project , involving homesickness , genuineness , authenticity,
History and purity. Food is thus made noble, but at the same time alienate d
Vis-à-vis changing everyday life standards.